Friday, November 9, 2007


So last night, as i was laying in bed, trying to slip off into dreamland, i was watching konnor. Holding his baby doll close to him, patting her back. I laid there and strained to remember how and when this little baby, wearing a purple onesie w/ a ladybug on front, came to live with us.

Jenny, Konnor, and i were making a trip to the Dollar Tree for some "necesities" ((of which i dont remember what those were. go figure)). As we were walking, talking strolling the isles, we came to toys. Now, Konnor LOVES toys, and Jenny & I, being kids ourselves, do as well. So here we are, finding many things to distract us from everyday life ((as we tend to do)) when we see a pile of baby dolls. We hand one to Konnor, just playing around, and he brings it right up to him and HUGS it.. I kid you not, my child took to this baby just like that!! He loves babies, especially Kelly's baby, Caleb, but never did i think this would happen.

We let him continue to hold onto it, but i knew i couldn't buy it. No, eddie wouldnt have it, my mom would laugh, and i would be embarrased. So, being the mommy that i am, told Auntie Jenny to take it. She looked at me and did. Boy, that was the wrong move. he CRIED!! So, naturally, she gave it back. And wouldn't you know, right back up to the chest that baby went, and Konnor loved on it so tightly, unwilling to let go.

20 minutes later, and many isles passed, Konnor saw something interesting. Memory failing me, i dont remember what it was that he was playing with, but i sneakily took the baby and hid it behind my back. The goal was to put the baby down somewhere, and leave it. Moments later, however, my son realized that the baby was missing, and frantically started looking for it. He started to whine, and the fact that it was soooooooooo cute, mommy gave it up. For a third time, he clutched onto that baby like it was life or death.

At that time, i realized Konnor was leaving the dollar tree with a baby. Eddie was gonna flip, i kept thinking. Oh well, i kept telling myself, maybe he should spend more time with him. As we approached the register, i didn't know how i was going to pry the baby from Konnor's hands long enough to have it scanned without him getting upset. He was, afterall, convinced that mommy was trying to rid him of it. It was a quick manouver, a fast swipe by the checker, a quick giggle from jenny, and a tiny "ehh" from Konnor, and then it was over. it was paid for. and konnor was being carried out of the Dollar Tree by Jenny, carrying his first baby.

Eddie, suprisingly said nothing except "its just a toy" when i told him that our son was the very proud owner of a baby doll. I almost hit the floor when he said this. My mother's response was much the same, until she saw the way Konnor has given the baby lovings. Now she finds it absolutely adorable.

Since that night, Konnor has wrapped the baby in a blanket, carried it around, and slept nearly every night with it. You tell him to give his baby kisses, and he does. right on the forehead, the face, or wherever. On the downside, the poor baby has been hauled around so much the clothing is tattered and worn and is missing one eye. It's very creepy looking straight at you with its one good eye. But konnor still insists on having it, and loves that baby every single day. He'll be a good big brother.

I smiled, watching him hold that little baby that means so much to him, and drifted off to sleep.

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