Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Animals. . . A secret keeper

Isn't it astounding how an animal can be one's best friend? They will keep any secret, tells no lies, and never be too tired of hearing you talk. They take it all in and never let it out. They are compassionate and sense when you are upset. If you cry, they will be right by your side. With them, you are never alone. In a rough patch of life they will help you through, and mysteriously they know when you don't need them anymore, and they pass on. It may be childhood, the loss of a child, or divorce. Whatever the case may be, they are there. Every moment of every day for you, the ones they are loyal to and love. With every bit of them, they trust you. You should deserve such loyalty. Talk to them, love them, and treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve. After all, you never know when your secret keeper with leave you.

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