Thursday, September 27, 2007


It's almost Friday... It seems like forever since i had the run-in with the fraud issue.. Life is calming and i am beginning to be at peace with the world once again.. :) what a relief..

New in my life today.. Jenny is going out of town for an entire week!! :( She's going to Virginia to visit family she hasn't seen in years.. I'm gonna miss her terribly.. but when she comes back, we are gonna have a day.. YAY US!!! we need one. i think her konnor and i are going to go to the beach.
Now i know what you're thinking.. its OCTOBER, you live in OREGON!!!! why on earth would you go to the BEACH????!!!! Well, probably because its me.. and its jenny.. and i know i haven't been blogging long, but we are that duo that should probably have our own version of Jackass.. you know, female style..

Any-who-ha... im very tired today. 7-4 shift.. ugh.. break in 18 minutes.. and i cant bring myself to hit the button that will let a call come through on my phone..

what really stinks is that there was something rather important that i felt was in need of sharing.. and then i went on about me and jenny and our day, and lost track of what i was going to really say..

hmmmm, well have a great weekend everyone!!!

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