Thursday, September 13, 2007

update. . . .

last night i got home and called the police. filed my report with all the things those meth-addicted jerks stole. (im sorry but thats a generalization, but lets face it, the fact of the matter is that those type of ppl almost always do this). anyways, the police took the report but didn't care that they used my cell phone and i had the numbers. nor did they care that they left their screwdriver in my car. ugh! i understand the portland police have thousands of stolen identity cases, but im special, DAMN IT!! im not really, but like to think i am anyways. :) but whatever, im over that.

so i got to work this morning and hopped online. 7am. got on my acct is overdrawn over a hundred dollars, with a hundred more pending. great! look up the account and what do ya know, the thieves cashed a check for $130.00. gee i thought the checks were suspended. so i get on the phone with wamu (someone who is in the USA as far as i can tell). and he throws me over to the fraud team. The lady i spoke with was so nice and went through and filed my claim. gave me a # and told me fees would be reversed and the $130 put back into my account within 24 hours. yippy. except i have no debit card to pull money, and i have no license to go to the bank and get money. so here i have money, with no way to get it!!! ugh, my tank is getting down to E and i have nothing!!

well guess what. now i have to call the credit bureau people and report all this. i get to call the social security office. i get to call DMV today. and then i get to call the police and let them know that they stole my freaking money!! im screwed. chances are i had my social security card in my car (like an idiot, i know). but you always think, "nah, it wont happen to me."

boy was i wrong!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

boy what a shi*tie week. im sorry. :(